get_sql_row("SELECT parent_id,name FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "categories WHERE category_id='".$node."'"); if ($row['parent_id']>0) // only continue if this $node isn't the parent node { $path[] = $row['name']; // the last part of the path to $node, is the name of the parent of $node $path = array_merge(get_path($row['parent_id']), $path); // add the path to the parent of this node to the path } return $path; // return the path } function unhtmlspecialchars ($string) { $string = str_replace (''', '\'', $string); $string = str_replace ('%23', '\"', $string); $string = str_replace ('"', '\"', $string); $string = str_replace ('<', '<', $string); $string = str_replace ('>', '>', $string); $string = str_replace ('&', '&', $string); $string = str_replace (' ', ' ', $string); $string = stripslashes($string); return $string; } function clean_string ($string, $maxchars=1200) { /* * No extra repeat characters. * No spaces in begining of field. * No spaces in ending of field. * No extra spaces in body of field. * Remove all quotes. * Max field size is approx 1024 characters. * Do not truncate words. * Do not concatinate words. * Remove all html tags. * Remove single character words such as @,#,!,^,&,*,(, etc */ $space = array(" ","
","\r\n","\r","\n","\t","\v"); $tags = array("applet","meta","xml","blink","link","style","script","embed","object","iframe","frame","frameset","ilayer","layer","bgsound","title","base"); $string = unhtmlspecialchars($string); $string = str_replace($space, ' ', $string); $string = str_replace("&039;", ' ', $string); foreach ($tags as $tag) { $string = preg_replace("@<".$tag."[^>]*?>.*?@si", "", $string); } $string = preg_replace('#[\x00-\x1F\"\']#i',"",$string); $string = preg_replace('#[\x7F-\xFF\"\']#i',"",$string); $string = strip_tags($string); $string = stripslashes($string); $string = ereg_replace("[^[:blank:][:alnum:]\+,;.!:$%&@?/)(_-]", " ", $string); $string = preg_replace('/\s+/'," ",$string); $string = trim($string); $words = explode(" ",$string); $string = array(); $single_chars = array("+",",",";",".","!",":","$","%","&","@","?","/",")","(","_","-"); foreach ($words as $word) { foreach ($single_chars as $single_char) { $pattern = "/\\".$single_char."+/"; $word = preg_replace("$pattern",$single_char,$word); } if (strlen($word)==1 && !preg_match('/^[aAiIxX\+\-]/',$word)) continue; $string[]=$word; } $string = implode(" ",$string); // array to string $maxchars = (strlen($string)>$maxchars) ? $maxchars : strlen($string); $string = substr($string,0,$maxchars); $string = implode(" ",explode(" ",$string,str_word_count($string)-1)); return $string; } $user_id = intval($_REQUEST['user_id']); $feed = intval($_REQUEST['feed']); $feed = (!$feed) ? 1 : $feed; switch ($feed) { case 1: $RSStitle = RSStitle1; // items listed in the last 24 hours $postdate = 'start_time'; $sort = 'DESC'; $subquery = 'start_time<=' . CURRENT_TIME . ' AND start_time>' . (CURRENT_TIME - (24 * 60 * 60)); break; case 2: $RSStitle = RSStitle2; // items closing in 24 hours or less $postdate='end_time'; $sort = 'ASC'; $subquery = 'start_time<=' . CURRENT_TIME . ' AND end_time<=' . (CURRENT_TIME + (24 * 60 * 60)); break; case 3: $RSStitle=RSStitle3; // homepage items $postdate = 'start_time'; $sort = 'DESC'; $subquery = 'start_time<=' . CURRENT_TIME . ' AND hpfeat=1'; break; case 4: $RSStitle = RSStitle4; // items over 300.00 $postdate = 'end_time'; $sort = 'ASC'; $subquery = 'start_time<=' . CURRENT_TIME . ' AND (max_bid >= ' . RSS300 . ' OR start_price >= ' . RSS300 . ' OR buyout_price >= ' . RSS300 . ')'; break; case 5: $RSStitle = RSStitle5; // items over 1000.00 $postdate = 'end_time'; $sort = 'ASC'; $subquery = 'start_time<=' . CURRENT_TIME . ' AND (max_bid >= ' . RSS1000 . ' OR start_price >= ' . RSS1000 . ' OR buyout_price >= ' . RSS1000 . ')'; break; case 6: $RSStitle = RSStitle6; $postdate = 'start_time'; $sort = 'DESC'; $subquery = 'start_time<=' . CURRENT_TIME . ' AND (max_bid <= ' . RSS10 . ' AND start_price <= ' . RSS10 . ')'; break; case 7: $RSStitle = RSStitle7; // items with 10 or more bids $postdate = 'start_time'; $sort = 'DESC'; $subquery = 'nb_bids >= ' . RSSwarm; break; case 8: $RSStitle = RSStitle8; // items with 25 or more bids $postdate = 'start_time'; $sort = 'DESC'; $subquery = 'nb_bids >= ' . RSShot; break; case 9: $RSStitle = RSStitle9; // item with a Buy Now $postdate = 'start_time'; $sort = 'DESC'; $subquery = 'start_time<=' . CURRENT_TIME . ' AND buyout_price>0'; break; default: if ($user_id>0) // setup query for specific users { $username = ucfirst($db->get_sql_field("SELECT username FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "users WHERE user_id='" . $user_id . "'", 'username')); $postdate = 'start_time'; $sort = 'DESC'; $subquery = 'start_time<=' . CURRENT_TIME . ' AND end_time>' . CURRENT_TIME . ' AND owner_id=' . $user_id; $RSStitle = 'Listings posted by ' . $username; } else // no user specified { $RSStitle = RSStitle1; $postdate = 'start_date'; $sort = 'DESC'; $subquery = 'start_time<=' . CURRENT_TIME . ' AND start_time>' . (CURRENT_TIME - (24 * 60 * 60)); } break; } $limit = ($user_id > 0) ? '' : 'LIMIT ' . RSSdepth; $results = $db->query("SELECT a.auction_id,, a." . $postdate . " AS postdate, a.description, a.max_bid, a.nb_bids, a.currency, a.category_id, a.closed, a.bold, a.hl, a.buyout_price, a.is_offer, a.start_price, a.reserve_price, am.media_url, u.username FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "auctions a LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "auction_media am ON a.auction_id=am.auction_id AND am.media_type=1 AND am.upload_in_progress=0 LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "users u ON u.user_id=a.owner_id WHERE a.closed=0 AND AND a.approved=1 AND a.deleted=0 " . ((!empty($subquery)) ? " AND " . $subquery : "") . " GROUP BY a.auction_id ORDER BY " . $postdate . " " . $sort . " " . $limit); $numrows = $db->num_rows($results); // RSS 2.0 item information $items=array(); $timezone = $db->get_sql_field("SELECT value FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "timesettings WHERE active=1", 'value'); $timezone = explode('-', $timezone); $tz = sprintf('%05s', $timezone[count($timezone)-1] . ':00'); $timezone = (count($timezone)-1) ? '-' . $tz : '+' . $tz; while ($row=@mysql_fetch_assoc($results)) // loop through database fields & build item array { $price = $fees->display_amount(($row['max_bid']>0) ? $row['max_bid'] : $row['start_price'], $row['currency']); $picpath = null; if (!empty($row['media_url'])) { $picpath = '' . $row['name'] . '

'; } $items['title'][] = utf8_convert(clean_string($row['name'])). ' - ' . $price; $items['link'][] = utf8_encode(SITE_PATH . 'auction_details.php?auction_id=' . $row['auction_id']); $items['desc'][] = utf8_convert(clean_string($row['description'])); $items['pubDate'][] = utf8_encode(date('Y-m-d', $row['postdate']) . 'T' . date('H:i:s', $row['postdate']) . $timezone); $items['category'][] = utf8_convert(clean_string(implode(' : ', get_path($row['category_id'])))); $items['creator'][] = utf8_convert(ucfirst($row['username'])); } header("Content-Type: text/xml;charset=" . $charset); // display RSS 2.0 channel information $RSSlogo=RSSlogo; echo << $RSStitle: {$setts['sitename']} {$setts['site_path']} {$setts['sitename']} {$setts['site_path']}$RSSlogo {$setts['sitename']} {$setts['site_path']} $langcode Copyright {$setts['sitename']}. The contents of this feed are available for non-commercial use only. {$setts['site_path']} START; // display items for ($i=0; $i<$numrows; $i++) { echo << {$items['title'][$i]} {$items['link'][$i]} {$items['link'][$i]} {$items['desc'][$i]} {$items['creator'][$i]} {$items['pubDate'][$i]} {$items['category'][$i]} ITEM; } echo << END; ?>